Tiger: Goooood evening Monkey!
Monkey: Hey old pal! What's cooking?
Tiger: Something struck me a couple of weekends ago, during a most delightful evening.
Monkey: Lightning or a revelation?
Tiger: The latter...
Monkey: Oh, how surprising. I wish you'd be less predictable every once in a while.
Tiger: Less predictable or dead?
Monkey: Ah, perhaps that was a bad example...
Tiger: Yes.
Monkey: Oh...
Tiger: So, I was enjoying a beer or two, and had to visit the facilities, so to speak.
I did my duty and was on my way to return to my seat when I suddenly got a peak at god's most inner thoughts and contemplations.
Why is it really that we never seem to be quite satisfied with what we have anymore? I remembered when I was a little tiger and could play with the same pieces of LEGO for days and weeks without ever thinking that there could be more to life than those little bits of plastic heaven.
I was blissfully ignorant, so to speak.
Monkey: LEGO is the devil, I heard Hitler played with it too. He used to blow his LEGO up with firecrackers when he wasn't busy building scale models of what would later be named concentration camps.
Tiger: Everyone has played with LEGO, and you're full of shit...
Monkey: I will have you know I never played with LEGO...
Tiger: Exactly
Monkey: Well, you smell bad.
Tiger: So, we've all been blissfully ignorant once, some stay that way too.
As blissfully ignorant, we don't really have any idea of what we "should" think about stuff and stuff. Everything is great until something bad happens.
The first warning signs with LEGO show up when you sneak around in the dark and one of those friggin things cuts your feet up something fierce.
That's the first moment in your life that you start doubting those pieces of endless joy.
Monkey: I had one stuck up my nose for three days.
Tiger: How did that happen?
Monkey: You put it there.
Tiger: Ah, the memories...
Monkey: That's why I tumble dried all your Barbie clothes.
Tiger: I never had any Barbie dolls.
Monkey: Exactly...
Tiger: Uhm, well... So when that first doubt has set roots in your mind the rest just comes like a spring flood.
The older you get, the more stuff says "no no no" in your head.
If I didn't have any references I would perhaps be happily married by now to whoever had come along since then and now.
But since that's not gonna happen, all I can do is roll with it until the list of no-no's is so full that it just becomes silly.
Then I'll be free again. Free to redo all the stuff that has been put on hold.
Or I could just not give a fuck and just do it now. But that's not really like the person who I made myself into.
I'm a picky fucker, I love control and I don't like a lot of stuff.
Monkey: Beer, you like beer?
Tiger: Beer is god and we are his mere servants. Put on earth to do his duty and make more beer and drink beer.
Monkey: Is god good?
Tiger: Not as good as the goddesses who walk among us disguised as ladies, the true rulers of men. I would gladly add more no-no's to my list just to keep them warm on a cold night.
I am but a tiger after all.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
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